Friday, December 2, 2016


Stream Facts

Trouble in Nov: Class 4-( 5-)

From: Dolalghat (Alt.625m)

To: Chatara (Alt.105m)

Remove: 260Km (170 miles)

Stream days: 8-10

From Kathmand: 3 hours

Avg. slope: 2m/km(10 ft a mile)

Volume in Nov: 400cms (1,4000 cfs)

Best season: Sept-Oct and May


One of the ten best white water rafting trips on the planet. Enormous rapids, warm water lovely landscape and most outdoors make this an exemplary multi-day stream trip. An incredible excursion for halfway and propelled kayakers. Getting it done in medium to high streams.

The River

Sun koshi signifies "Stream of Gold"- maybe named after the gold that is at times panned from the waterway rock, or on the other hand it alludes to the orange shade of the water in the Monsoon when it is thick with alluvial residue. The stream ascends close to the Tibet and is joined by the Bhote Koshi only downstream from Barabise. Most flatboat treks begin underneath here at Dolalghat-the area above here is regularly kept running as a one day excursion and we portray it quickly in our segment on the streams.

The sun koshi streams eastwards in Nepal through the considerable valley between the Mahabharat Lekh Mountains and the Himalaya. It frame the watershed for the vast majority of eastern Nepal and social event quality from tributaries depleting the most astounding mountains on the planet it rises onto the northern fields of India where it joins the Ganges.

The volume increments significantly with the spill out of these tributaries. In November, the stream at Dolalghat is around 100 cfs., which is approx. 11,00 cfs.; let down the stream, through the huge rapids of the 'Wilderness passage' it would be around 400 solid shapes which is approx. 11,000 cfs-an ordinary low stream on the Grand gorge of the Colorado. At the lake –out at Chatara , the stream is a powerful 800 cfs.- still just a small amount of storm levels.


Most pontoon gatherings at present begin at Dolalhat, and from here the initial few days are generally simple and are a casual warm –up for the rapids beneath. In future when the new street is finished then it appears to be plausible that many treks will begin two days has no less than maybe a couple significant rapids and part's littler fun ones. Most significant rapids are pool/drop with colossal bouncy weight waves close to the base like the rapids of the Grand gorge of the Colorado. Days of running huge rapids and gliding through lavish green wide open make this a really critical waterway encounter.

Stream streams fluctuate tremendously – from the enormous post-rainstorm keep running off in late September down to low winter streams in January and February, rising again in May with snowmelt and pre-storm downpours. With the correct gathering and experience it is conceivable to flatboat in high water conditions post –monsoon in September or in May. Right now the waterway the stream is high and wild and positively not for the cowardly.


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